niQin 分享格言: Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding? -- Peter I
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KouSun.com - Imagine, Program, Share No.64ed549c3cbb8f2b6be96c39

niQin 发布于 2023-08-29 11:05:29+08

4473 点击 / / 7 进入

💥 作品内容

关键词/标签: scratch kids problem-solving

Creation overview

Create stories, games, musics, arts, animations, tutorials … and share with others.
Promote computational and logical thinking for kids, enhance problem-solving abilities of kids.
A gift for my daughter, also hopes to help all kids who enjoy programming.
Always free, based on Scratch & Rust web stacks.


永远免费,基于 Scratch 和 Rust web 技术栈构建。

资源文件: 1 1.png
2 2.png
3 0.png

网站: https://kousun.com

源码网址: https://github.com/rusthub-org/kids

💥 联系方式

联系人: KouSun

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